I use [i3-gaps](https://github.com/airblader/i3) pretty much exclusively. There's not a lot special about my i3 setup, but I've got the borders nicely colored, my tabbed/stacked titlebars are blank, and it's meant to be used with Picom.
I use [ibhagwan's picom fork](https://github.com/ibhagwan/picom), since it gives me the fewest artifacts (and has dual-kawase). I use a softer dual-kawase and a *lot* of transparency.
I use [Polybar](https://github.com/polybar/polybar) for my status bar. My setup is heavily inspired by MacOS's status bar, but without the menu bar.
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### `eww/`
I use [eww](https://github.com/elkowar/eww) for widgets. I mostly use this for time in games or other fullscreen apps, or for some system controls.
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/_/ /_/\__, / .___/\___/_/
### `hyper.js`
I use [Hyper](https://hyper.is) as my primary terminal emulator. It has some things I really like over Alacritty, like font ligatures and a title bar, and doesn't look ugly like Tilix.
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/ /_/ / / _> < | |/ / /_
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### `Xresources`
I use [urxvt](http://software.schmorp.de/pkg/rxvt-unicode.html) on occasion.
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I use [Discord](https://discord.com) with [DiscoCSS](https://github.com/mlvzk/discocss) for custom styling, with a frosted glass styling with the default colors.