;; ________ __ ;; / ____/ /_ _______/ /____ _____ ;; / / / / / / / ___/ __/ _ \/ ___/ ;;/ /___/ / /_/ (__ ) /_/ __/ / ;;\____/_/\__,_/____/\__/\___/_/ ;; The collection of action buttons ;; on the right side of the screen. ;; Widgets (defwidget logout [] (box :class "genwin" :vexpand false :hexpand false (button :class "icon" :onclick "i3-msg exit" :cursor "pointer" :tooltip "logout" "﫼" ) ) ) (defwidget power [] (box :class "genwin" :vexpand false :hexpand false (button :class "icon" :onclick "poweroff" :cursor "pointer" :tooltip "shutdown" "⏼" ) ) ) (defwidget reboot [] (box :class "genwin" :vexpand false :hexpand false (button :class "icon" :onclick "reboot" :cursor "pointer" :tooltip "shutdown" "" ) ) ) (defwidget terminal [] (box :class "genwin" :vexpand false :hexpand false (button :class "icon" :onclick "i3-msg scratchpad show & /home/val/.config/eww/launch_eww" :cursor "pointer" :tooltip "terminal" "" ) ) ) ;; Windows (defwindow logout :stacking "fg" :focusable false :geometry (geometry :x 1445 :y 150 :width 155 :height 155 ) (logout) ) (defwindow power :stacking "fg" :focusable false :geometry (geometry :x 1615 :y 150 :width 155 :height 155 ) (power) ) (defwindow reboot :stacking "fg" :focusable false :geometry (geometry :x 1445 :y 320 :width 155 :height 155 ) (reboot) ) (defwindow terminal :stacking "fg" :focusable false :geometry (geometry :x 1615 :y 320 :width 155 :height 155 ) (terminal) )