not to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being sincere on the\ninternet, but your presence matters to people & your absence\nis felt in ways you couldn't possibly realize\n\ni have a standing bi-weekly appointment for a medical treatment,\nand i ended up missing a few appointments in a row for various\nreasons. and when i came back to the infusion center earlier this\nweek, the nurses couldn't stop saying they really missed me &\nwere wondering why i hadn't been in\n\nit had never occurred to me that i was anything more than a job\nduty to them. it never occurred to me that they'd miss seeing me,\neven though i know that i miss seeing regular library patrons &\nwonder where they are when they're away. i just never put two &\ntwo together that way\n\nso yes, people would realize if you disappeared off the face of\nthe earth tomorrow. yes, people smile to themselves when you walk\nin the door. yes, your presence matters to far more people than\nyou realize.\n\n - storybookprincess, 2022-10-05 on tumblr. you will feel so alive again.. like so incredibly alive. i dont\nknow when that will be but it will be. u are gonna feel so alive\nthat ur cheeks hurt from smiling oh man oh man i promise that day\nis coming. you do have a future, you do have good things coming,\nand you’ll survive everything that’s thrown at you until you reach\nthat day\n\n - comfortfrogblog, 2022-08-05 on tumblr. I am a mosaic of everyone I have ever known and loved and touched\nand I find fragments of them in my playlists and how I make my\ntea. we may not know each other any more but we will stay connected\nlike this. I hope a fragment of me is with you too.\n\n - berecovered, 2022-10 on tumblr. \neventually you realize you don’t want to die. you just don’t want\nto live the life you’re living. and slowly you try to create a\nlife you want to live. just gotta start there.\n\none day you think: I want to die.\n\nand then you think, very quietly: actually. actually. I think I\nwant a coffee. a nap. a sandwich. a book.\n\nand "I want to die" turns day by day into I want to go home, I\nwant to walk in the woods, I want to see my friend, I want to\nsit in the sun\n\nI want a cleaner kitchen\n\nI want a better job\n\nI want to live somewhere else.\n\n*I want to live*\n\n - tumblr exchange And there will come a day when you suddenly go, *oh*. That's\nwhy. That's why it was worth living and sticking around. I\nunderstand.\n\nAnd then the moment passes, and you might forget again. But\nthat's okay, because life is an abundance of such moments. They\nwill come back <3\n\n - sunrisethoughts02, 2023-06-08 on tumblr