# oink 🐷 A configuration file preprocessor written in Rust. ## Usage ```sh # process config files oink build # apply processed configs oink apply # build and apply oink full ``` ## Configuration Variables are split into two sections for ease-of-use: `vars` and `colors`. Targets need two fields, `name` and `path`, containing a unique name and their destination file respectively. They should go into the `target` array. ```toml [vars] name = "Test User" [colors] example = "1A1A1A" [[target]] name = "oink" path = "/home/test/.config/oink/oink.toml" ``` ## Libraries - [pico-args](https://crates.io/crates/pico-args) — argument parsing - [termion](https://crates.io/crates/termion) — ANSI formatting - [toml](https://crates.io/crates/toml) — configuration parsing - [upon](https://crates.io/crates/upon) — template engine