use std::process::exit; /// no subcommand that matches user input; code 1 pub fn no_subcommand(subcommand: String) { println!("remux: no command match for \"{subcommand}\""); exit(1); } /// target session not found; code 2 pub fn no_target(target: String) { println!("remux: no session \"{target}\" exists"); exit(2); } /// no sessions exist; code 2 pub fn no_sessions() { println!("remux: no sessions running"); println!("use 'remux n ' to create a new session"); exit(2); } /// help topic doesn't exist; code 3 pub fn no_help(topic: String) { println!("remux: no help for \"{topic}\""); exit(3); } /// user provided no target; code 4 pub fn missing_target() { println!("remux: no target provided"); exit(4); } /// non-terminal environment prevention; code 5 pub fn not_terminal() { println!("remux: not running from a terminal"); exit(5); } /// tried to nest while not in a session; code 6 pub fn not_nesting() { println!("remux: cannot use nesting flag outside a TMUX session"); exit(6); }